Welcome to the SYSPRO Portal

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For your security, we must verify that you are still actively using this session. Please click the button below to keep your session active. If you do not, your session will expire in .

Login Help

We recently simplified the way you log in to the SYSPRO Portal. Instead of providing a profile number, user, and password, you'll now just need to provide a username and password.

If you normally log in with a profile number and user, you can now log in by entering your profile number and your user (separated by a colon) in the username field. Then enter your password in the password field as usual.

For example, if you're used to logging in with the profile number 222 222 222 and the user manager, you will now log in with the username 222 222 222:manager (spaces in the profile number are optional).

Otherwise, just enter your username and password in the appropriate fields.